Featured Article

A Path into the Realm of Silence

The Church has long understood the role music plays in man's contemplation of God, and popes have frequently given instruction on the use of music in the Church. The division of labor between the various parts of the Mass provides a distinction and harmony between their respective importance, dignity, and purpose. Also, there should be a harmonious contrast of music and silence, mostly achieved by restricting the use of the organ during penitential seasons. Gregorian Chant is both sublime and simple at the same time. It admits a great practicality, allowing either simple singing or more complex integration with organ or polyphonic accompaniment. The danger of passivity presents itself in the modern era. As music is an art, one must actively make and actively contemplate it.

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Current Articles

Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History

The reviewer shows that rewriting of the past in order to advance an agenda in the present is nothing new. He then highlights Rodney Stark's historical analyses—debunking myths like Columbus proving the Earth is round and Catholic anti-Semitism. Stark's scrutiny extends to misconceptions about the Crusades and the Church's stance against authoritarian regimes. Ultimately, the author underscores the great value of Stark's book for an accurate historical reporting, cautioning against the dangers of pseudohistory and emphasizing truth as essential for rebuilding the future of Catholic civilization.

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On the Mystical Meaning of the Alleluia and the Tract

The Alleluia means “Praise the Lord.” It ends with a melisma, which expresses the great joy, love, praise and awe of believers and also signifies everlasting joy. The Sequence follows the melisma, and usually has new or unfamiliar words, because the joy of heaven is secret and unknown to mortals. The Tract has a mournful and lugubrious sound—the tears of the saints in both the active and contemplative life. The Tract at times sounds a happy note, and other times a sad note. The Church uses an Alleluia to signify eternal joy, and a Tract to suggest mourning, because she lives in mourning here below, and is still held back in the valley of tears.

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